How To Get Red Wine Stains Out of Carpet - Spring Hill Carpet Cleaning
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How To Get Red Wine Stains Out of Carpet

How To Get Red Wine Stains Out of Carpet

It’s every party host’s worst nightmare: a full glass of red wine tilting over, splashing all onto your carpet. Your stomach may drop as the scene unfolds before you, but rest assured that your beautiful carpet is unlikely to be totally ruined.

Red wine is notorious for its staining power, but having the tools and techniques on hand will save your carpet and your party!

First thing’s first: Act Fast!

As soon as the wine hits the carpet, use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the stain. Do not rub! Rubbing can spread the stain or make it sink in deeper into the carpet’s fibers. Blot as much of the wine residue as possible then add a small amount of cold water to the stained area and blot again. Once you’ve stopped the seepage, it’s time to remove the stain completely.

Here are our favorite methods for removing red wine stains out of carpet:

  1. Club Soda

After you’ve blotted, pour a small amount of club soda onto the stain. The carbonation of the club soda acts to dissolve the red pigments of the wine. Blot again and leave overnight. If stain remains, repeat the process until it’s gone.

  1. Dish Soap & Vinegar

White vinegar is a household cleaning staple. It’s great for neutralizing the red pigment in wine! Once you’ve blotted the stain, mix a tablespoon of dish soap and a tablespoon of white vinegar with two cups of water. Stir. Pour a small amount of the solution onto the stain then blot frequently until it is gone. Tip: A small amount of lemon juice and dish soap is also effective.


  1. Dish Soap & Hydrogen Peroxide

Blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth. Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part dish soap. Apply the solution to your carpet. Blot and repeat until the stain is gone. Let it sit for about 20 minutes to an hour then blot again if necessary. You can also use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Simply pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain and sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over it. Let the solution sit for two minutes before rinsing with water. Tip: Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleaching agent so test it on a small section of carpet first.

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is another household product great for cleaning and stain removal. Its alkaline and abrasive qualities make it effective for lifting stains. After you blot the carpet, pour cold water on the stained area and blot again. Mix one part water and three parts baking soda to create a paste. Apply the paste to the stain and wait for the mixture to dry. Vacuum clean. Tip: Don’t use hot water! This may cause the stain to set in.

  1. Salt

If the wine stain has already dried, there’s no need to panic! Salt absorbs the wine that blotting fails to pick up. Just apply a small amount of water to get the dry stain wet. Add a liberal amount of salt to the area. Do not scrub or blot the salt. Leave overnight. In the morning, the salt should be crystallized and have a pink hue to it. Vacuum the crystallized salt.

  1. Stain Removal Products

If DIY solutions don’t do the trick, there are stain removal and cleaning products that are effective at picking up tough-to-remove red wine stains. Determine which product is best for your needs and follow the directions on the product. Tip: When using these products, test them on a small part of the carpet to make sure the color doesn’t run or fade before using them to clean a major spill.


  1. Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner

If the wine stain resists all your efforts at effective removal, you might have to try something a little more heavy duty for the task. Professional carpet cleaners have the knowledge, products, and equipment needed to remove wine stains without causing damage to delicate carpet fibers or the floor.  Carpet cleaners can help return your carpets back to their original state by completely eliminating all stains. For more information on effective stain removal, contact the local professionals at Safe-Dry Carpet Cleaning of Spring Hill!

When it comes to removing red wine from your carpet, the main thing to remember is to clean up the spill as soon as possible! Just like any other stain, you’ll have the best luck removing it while it’s still wet. Also, keep in mind that not all carpets can be treated the same. Use extreme caution when cleaning a stain from any carpet made from natural fibers like wool or cotton. Some natural materials can’t be cleaned with water at all.

Last, but not least, enjoy your party knowing that with these effective methods for removing red wine, your guests will never know a spill happened!


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